Friday, November 29, 2019

Unions Essays (2364 words) - Human Resource Management,

Unions Why Unions? "Unions are groups of working people who join to talk to employers about wages and conditions of work instead of workers talking to employers on an individual basis."1 Because they speak for everybody, unions can get a better deal for each worker than one employee could by negotiating with the employer. As seen in the short movie "WHY UNIONS?", non-unionized workers talks about the unfair treatment they experience in the work place. Through collective action, workers formed unions so they could have a voice in deciding wages, hours, working conditions and dealing with the many problems arises in the workplace. Unions are not just organizations trying to get more dollars and cents or better working conditions for people who hold union cards. People who don't enjoy the benefits of union protection get benefits too. "The labour movement was in the forefront of the struggles for public health care, for public education, for minimum wages, holidays and employment conditions."2 1 D. Martin, Form War To Peace, Canadian Labour Congress, Quebec, 1991, P.17 2 Notes On Unions, Canadian Labour Congress, Quebec, 1992, P.1 Union Nowadays "Unions are like businesses: their success depends upon attracting and retaining buyers (new members). Recently, one of the major problems faced by the union movement is that few Canadians understand what services unions come into public."3 The public also don't know the union is also helping Canada in other parts of areas such as economy, etc. The public think that the only time unions come into the public's eye is as a result of strike or withdrawal of services. This is because of the impressed strikes held by the union workers. The memorable one would be the strike held by the Toronto Transit Commission workers back in September 1991. The lack of transportation resulted in inconveniences among the public. The Canadian public becomes upset over conflict. The strikes make the public forget about the contributions of unions in other areas. "From a marketing perspective, the union movement has positioned itself like the nuclear industry -- it receives attention only when it is about to blow up, melt or leak."4 Five important needs for union movements are: 3 Alistair Davidson and Ian Mckinnon, "Unions need to study marketing," The Globe and Mail, May 8 1984, Business section, P.8 4 D. D. Carter, Canadian Industrial Relations In The Year 2000, Industrial Relations Centre, Kingston, 1992, P.50 1) job preservation 2) health preservation in the workplace 3) day-care 4) retraining 5) financial negotiations on behalf of members "Union leaders and members must become as sophisticated as management to support the attempt by Canadian business to survive fierce international competition."5 There are about four million members of Canadian unions and 10.5 million members of co- operatives. There are two choices: traditionally, unions have only tried to increase their members' standard of living by negotiating a higher wage, more benefits or fewer hours. "The union movement has played an important role in the past in the formation of new institutions such as credit unions. Today, new demands on the union movement will force it to examine its strategic choices."6 Above all, the union movement must structure itself to aid the survival of Canadian industry and Canadian jobs in a fiercely competitive world market. 5 Bryan D. Palmer, Solidarity: The Rise And Fall Of An Opposition In B.C., New Star Books, 1987, P.63 6 Peter Sinclair, Unemployment: Economic Theory And Evidence, Oxford Press, 1987, P.215 Canadian Labour Congress At the national level, the "organization of unions" is the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). The CLC is the central body in Canada and is composed of about 85 national and international unions representing about 2.2 million workers. Labour's Social Objectives "The social objectives of the Canadian labour movement are a reflection of the aims and desires of a large segment of the country's working population."7 In some ways, the objectives are related to the economy. The objectives are: Health Programmes - the lack of available health care to all Canadians caused the labour movement to redouble its long-standing efforts to have a national medicare plan by which needed medical services would be available to all Canadians whatever their financial means. Medicare as a system of universal health care must be regarded as a public service and not merely as an insurance programme under which only a limited number of services are available. 7 Notes On Unions, Canadian Labour Congress, Quebec, 1992, P.5 P.5 Pensions - Unions have been consistently negotiated improvements in pension plans. By statistics, only 41.4% of employed Canadians (50.1% of men and 33.7% of women) belong to company pension plans.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Growing Up Gay

â€Å"The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to ‘come out’ and live more openly as homosexuals†(Herdt 2). Before the 1969’s Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo subject. Research concerning homosexuality emphasized the etiology, treatment, and psychological adjustment of homosexuals. Times have changed since 1969. Homosexuals have gained great attention in arts, entertainment, media, and politics. Yesterday’s research on homosexuality has expanded to include trying to understand the different experiences and situations of homosexuals (Ben-Ari 89-90). Despite the transition, little consideration has been given to understanding the growing population of gay adolescents. 25% of American families are likely to have a gay child (Hidalgo 24); In the United States, three million adolescents are estimated to be homosexual. Yet, American society still ignores gay adolescents. Majority of children are raised in heterosexual families, taught in heterosexual establishments, and put in heterosexual peer groups. Gay adolescents often feel forced by parents to pass as â€Å"heterosexually normal† (Herdt 2). As a result, homosexual teens hide their sexual orientation and feelings, especially from their parents. Limited research conducted on gay young adults on disclosure to parents generally suggests that disclosure is a time of familial crisis and emotional distress. Very few researchers argue that disclosure to parents results in happiness, bringing parents and children closer (Ben-Ari 90). The debate over homosexuality as nature or nurture dominates most topics about homosexuality. People often confuse the nature/nurture issue with the development of gay identity. In fact, the nature/nurture argument plays a small, insignificant role concerning gay youths (Walling 11). Homosexual identity is the view of t... Free Essays on Growing Up Gay Free Essays on Growing Up Gay â€Å"The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to ‘come out’ and live more openly as homosexuals†(Herdt 2). Before the 1969’s Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo subject. Research concerning homosexuality emphasized the etiology, treatment, and psychological adjustment of homosexuals. Times have changed since 1969. Homosexuals have gained great attention in arts, entertainment, media, and politics. Yesterday’s research on homosexuality has expanded to include trying to understand the different experiences and situations of homosexuals (Ben-Ari 89-90). Despite the transition, little consideration has been given to understanding the growing population of gay adolescents. 25% of American families are likely to have a gay child (Hidalgo 24); In the United States, three million adolescents are estimated to be homosexual. Yet, American society still ignores gay adolescents. Majority of children are raised in heterosexual families, taught in heterosexual establishments, and put in heterosexual peer groups. Gay adolescents often feel forced by parents to pass as â€Å"heterosexually normal† (Herdt 2). As a result, homosexual teens hide their sexual orientation and feelings, especially from their parents. Limited research conducted on gay young adults on disclosure to parents generally suggests that disclosure is a time of familial crisis and emotional distress. Very few researchers argue that disclosure to parents results in happiness, bringing parents and children closer (Ben-Ari 90). The debate over homosexuality as nature or nurture dominates most topics about homosexuality. People often confuse the nature/nurture issue with the development of gay identity. In fact, the nature/nurture argument plays a small, insignificant role concerning gay youths (Walling 11). Homosexual identity is the view of t...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Radiobiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Radiobiology - Essay Example The smallest structural and functional component of protoplasm that can exist freely is the cell (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 485). It is just necessary to study the effects of radiation at the cellular level to truly understand the factors that affect biological tissues. Cells are of two types - somatic cells and germ cells. Of these somatic cells have three subtypes - stem cells (cells that generate other cells through differentiation), transit cells (cells that are in the state of being transformed from one type of cell to another) and mature cells (cells that are fully differentiated and are relatively stable in that state) (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487). Somatic cells proliferate through two well-defined time periods - mitosis (M), when cell division takes place while maintaining the species chromosome number; and the period of DNA synthesis (S). (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487). Before S, there is a gap (rest period) when DNA is not yet synthesized. After S there i s another gap (when DNA is synthesized but other metabolic processes are taking place). After M takes place. Thus, the cell proliferation cycle is - S M. In time this whole process is - (1-8h) S (6-8h) (2-4h) M (>1h) (h = hours). Thus, the entire cell proliferation cycle can take between 10 to 20 hrs (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487). When there is death among non-prol... 487). It is notable that cells are the most vulnerable to radiation (radiosensitive) in the M and phases while they are the most resistant in the late S phase (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487). When there is death among non-proliferating cells (static) there is said to be loss of a specific bodily function while death of proliferating cells such as stem cells and others are taken to be loss of reproductive integrity (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487). In cases where a certain radiation-damaged cell survives and begins to proliferate indefinitely it is termed as a 'clonogenic' cell (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 487) with changed cellular characteristics (the change is to the DNA components of the cell). Radiation Characteristics: When cells are exposed to radiation the usual physical effects of the radiation on the atoms and molecules of the cells is immediate. Effects on biological function may follow later. Radiation effects on biological function are most pronounced when there is structural damage to DNA - the most critical target within cells (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 488). It is obvious that some physical factor defines the quality of the ionizing radiation beam that may damage biological tissue. In radiobiology and radiation protection this physical factor is the 'linear energy transfer (LET). According to the ICRU it may be defined as - "LET of charged particles in a medium is the quotient dE/dl, where dE is the average energy locally imparted to the medium by a charged particle of specified energy in traversing a distance of dl." (Suntharalingam et al, 2005, p. 486) Thus, the impact that radiated packets may have with the atoms and molecules of the biological tissues is not as important as the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Police Brutality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Police Brutality - Research Paper Example The brutality can be in verbal form where abuses and intimidation is used or even through actions. The task of police should be to maintain law and order, but surprisingly, they involve themselves in actions that defy their responsibilities. Police more often injure arrestees after they handcuff them or even when they are at the police cells or remand. Many arrestees complain of being hurt by police officers after complying with their orders. Rogue police hit, kick, or even punch arrestees leaving them with a lot of injuries and mental torture (Elicker, 2008). At times, police use excess power when arresting people who are not resistant to the police. Only such power fit to resistant and stubborn suspects but not people who are willing to comply. Some police officers use chock holds when arresting people, which is extremely intimidating and demeaning way of handling suspects since they have their human rights till proven guilty. Some police officers go to extend of hitting arrestees and other criminal suspects with harmful and dangerous instruments like guns. This exposes the victims to permanent or short-term effects. Many police brutality victims suffer brain injuries, body deformities, and spinal cord injuries while others die (Pinizzotto et al., 2012). Some police officers perceive use of electrical shock devices as a convenient way of inducing arrest of suspects. They target getting control of the arrestee without considering the effect of the shock to the individual. Consequently, many arrestees suffer from heart attacks and other personal injuries because of the electrical shock exposed to them. Through law, police officers should use guns at the last case situation, but contrary, police shootings and killings are increasing on a daily basis. As a result, many deaths result from shooting misidentified individuals, and bystanders (Fox, 2011). Due to the high numbers of firing guns, chances of stray bullets are also high. Therefore, the number of deaths of innocent people has increased. At times, police officers use a squad car to chase after a suspect. This racing event can result to an accident, which may cause deaths or even personal injuries to the suspect and the police officers. The reckless driving of a squad car can also pose a danger to pedestrians and other road users. Police officers also expose citizens to brutality by conducting illegal searches and seizures. Generally, the law stipulates that, for a police officer to search any premise, they must present a warrant from the authorities authorizing hem to exercise the search. Unfortunately, many officers bang citizens’ houses and premises without any legal document and start their operations. In most cases if the owners demand explanations or exhibit resistance, they get a thorough beating or threats. Some police officers force their way to citizens’ premises and take property claiming to be under investigation. They offer minimum explanation or none at all to the owner. This is wrong since every individual has the right to posses property and get information whenever need arises. Many arrestees complain that police officers coerce them to honour up crimes they have not committed. The torture they undergo while under law enforcers, force them to plead guilty of others crimes and get the punishment while the real culprits go unpunished. This is not right because it exposes innocent person to a lot of mental torture and physical

Monday, November 18, 2019

Environmental regulations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental regulations - Research Paper Example Due to the fact, the following essay explains various regulations that have come of age. Development of standards that guide the proper usage of water has been the work of the department of the pollution control with the assistance of other agencies (Rerks-Ngarm, 2009). The institute together with other agencies provides the item, the pollution center of excellence in an attempt of improving the air situation in the country. Other works include the monitoring of the air and pollution, emission inventories, and air quality teaching as the others were studying in order to work alongside other partners. Another step is the provision of technical expertise for the provision of support for groups working to reduce contaminated soil, as well as water emissions. In addition, the Thailand government prohibits direct emissions of polluted water by manufacturing companies into the environment. Other enactments ensure the limited burning of waste products such as the burning of PVCs is in an open air. Some of the direct legislation includes the conservation and enhancement of the natural environment quality act of 1992. The standard of water quality act that ensures clean waters is a consistent provision to the citizens. The noise and air quality acts of 2007 that limit the extent of noise, as well as air pollution. In addition, there is the quality of soil act of 2004 that ensures the conservation of soil. The department of labor stipulates the working conditions that articulate the holidays, the minimum wage, the severance pay and the supreme working hours. The supreme number of working time is eight hours in a day that sums up to forty-eight hours a week. The enactments are an exception of work that the law defines as hazardous. In such scenarios, the working hours are seven or forty-two hours in a working week. Employees have thirteen holidays in a year. Besides, the employees are entitled to vacations of six days after a whole year of work that has no breaks. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Factors Causing Abusive Behaviour

Factors Causing Abusive Behaviour Discuss the pathways that lead to a child becoming an abuser Introduction Abuse can take many forms, including physical, sexual, psychological or financial[1]. It can also be verbal and emotional[2]. There are frequently difficulties associated with defining abuse[3], which exists within social, cultural and legal parameters; for example using physical chastisement with children in some cultures is considered to be the norm[4]. In the UK, while the use of implements to hit children has been made illegal[5], the debate about smacking continues; it is still permissible to use ‘reasonable chastisement’[6], although there has been criticism of this from such agencies as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) who assert that any form of physical punishment should be outlawed. Physical abuse is more comprehensively defined as: †¦hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm†¦(p. 533)[7] The definition of sexual abuse varies according to the nature of the victim (for example in relation to child sexual abuse); however a broad definition is that it involves the misuse of power, which might be combined with the use of force, to gain sexual gratification from a vulnerable person[8] Psychological and emotional abuse have some similarities, however psychological abuse is distinguishable from emotional abuse in that it results in some form of cognitive or mental impairment[9] whereas emotional abuse is, arguably, more difficult to quantify as there is a degree of subjectivity involved; however it has been described as the use of one or more of the following behaviours: humiliation, harassment, verbal abuse, demonstrating jealous and possessive behaviour, using threats, abandonment, destruction or removal of items that are important to the recipient, using controlling behaviour (for example within a relationship) and undermining someone with a view to lowering their self- esteem[10] Financial abuse is defined as: The intentional or opportunistic appropriation of the income, capital or property of a vulnerable person through theft, fraud, deception, undue influence or exploitation†¦ (p. 17).[11] Verbal abuse is frequently a component of other types of abuse; for example psychological and emotional abuse is likely to involve verbal abuse, which essentially, is the use of language which is disrespectful and hurtful to the recipient[12]. A complex form of abuse arises from Munchausen syndrome by Proxy[13]. This involves a parent or care- giver (most frequently the mother) giving an often plausible impression to health practitioners that a child is ill, by falsifying symptoms, providing false specimens, administering substances which affect the child’s health, or by inflicting wounds or interfering with existing injuries. Quite often the mother has some health care experience so is equipped with the knowledge to inform her actions, and is also able to feign concern while at the same time giving the impression of being pleasant and cooperative. Inevitably the child is likely to suffer unnecessary distress, pain and discomfort and as such the effect of this syndrome is considered to be a form of child abuse, involving as it does physical, psychological and emotional harm. Health professionals may unwittingly be complicit in the abuse by conducting investigations and invasive procedures which can cause further dis tress[14]. The mother is motivated by her own psychological needs for attention and a sense of worth. The reasons why somebody should develop this syndrome are not clear, and various theories of causation have been put forward, such as personality disorder, depressive illness, emotional disturbance and substance abuse[15]. Some sources report that the mother herself may have been abused as a child[16]. If this is the case then this could be one explanation for why a child becomes an abuser. There are various manifestations of abuse within the context of this question. Some children demonstrate abusive behaviour while still in their childhood[17]; a notorious and extreme example of this is the murder of two- year old James Bulger by two ten year old boys in 1993[18]. Other children go on to display abusive behaviour during their adolescence[19],[20],[21] while in other people, abusive behaviour does not emerge until adulthood despite it being possible to trace influential factors back to their childhood[22] The abused who becomes the abuser It is a widely held assumption that people who become abusers, were abused themselves and indeed there is evidence to support this contention[23],[24] . Children who grow up within an abusive environment are three times more likely to become abusers, however it also important to acknowledge that not all children who have been abused go on to become abusers[25]. It would appear that it is more likely for abused children to become abusers if they grow up within an environment where multifactorial influences are present such as a family history of violence, sexual abuse by a female, maternal neglect and lack of supervision[26],[27] . It is important to gain an understanding of why children who have been abused might themselves become abusers, as these factors can be addressed as part of a preventative strategy (breaking the cycle of abuse). Firstly there is evidence that there may be intergenerational transmission of parenting style, whether good or bad; the child simply goes on to prac tice what they have absorbed as a child, some of which might be on an unconscious level[28] . It is also possible that the person is left with feelings of rage, anger and resentment from having been abused and the disempowering effect that this has had on them. They might go on to project these feelings onto a more vulnerable person than they such as a child; using them to vent their feelings manifested as a form of abuse. The person who was abused as a child might feel angry if they are unable to punish or hurt the perpetrator of their abuse and instead might turn on a substitute who becomes the object of their frustrations[29],[30]. They might even use the victim of their abuse as a means of offloading the residual emotions they have as a result of their own experiences of abuse. Ward and Siegert’s pathways model[31] reflects the terminology within the title and offers some explanations for the reasons that people go on to commit sexual abuse, specifically. There are five pathways within this model: intimacy and social skills deficits; deviant sexual scripts; emotional dysregulation; anti- social cognitions and multiple dysfunctional mechanisms. These are relevant to the question because the origin of sexually abusive behaviour is linked to early life experiences within at least three of these pathways; it is the manifestation of the behaviours that varies. Intimacy and social skills deficits are associated with childhood experiences of abuse and neglect and insecure attachment relationships with adults. .Elsewhere attachment deficit has been cited as a cause of violent behaviour in adulthood towards a partner, which is associated with fear of abandonment[32]. The deviant sexual scripts pathway is explained by the experience of childhood sexual abuse; the individual’s ‘sexual script’ reflecting their past experience. Multiple dysfunctional mechanisms are said to develop from childhood experiences of sexual victimisation or early exposure to sexual behaviour and/ or material. The value of this model has been identified as offering a framework for appropriate treatment for sex offenders, as the underlying reason for the behaviour can be identified and addressed[33]. Psychosocial factors Psychosocial factors such as parental loss due to death, separation or divorce have been linked with children becoming abusers[34]; however the likelihood of this occurring is increased if there are multiple factors involved, as indicated on p. 4, para. 1. It is also possible that the child who has not been directly abused themselves, but has witnessed violence at close quarters, for example their mother being abused by their father, learns that violence is an appropriate behaviour in relation to the resolution of conflict[35]. However it could be argued that exposing children to such behaviour in itself constitutes a form of abuse, as it is distressing and can have long- term psychological effects. In relation to exposure to violence, there is a body of evidence to link the relationship between playing violent video games, and watching violent films, with an increase in aggressive behaviour[36],[37] . A link was made between the killing of James Bulger (referred to above on p. 3, pa ra. 2) and the influence of video violence, although there were also several other proposed causes for the incident[38]. There are also links made between socioeconomic factors and the incidence of abuse[39],[40], however once again there are likely to be other, interrelated contributory factors, such as unemployment and alcohol or drug abuse. Conclusion An extensive review of the literature yields a compelling argument that many abusers were themselves abused as children. However it is also clear that not all children who have been abused become abusers themselves. There are gaps in the literature in relation to examining the reasons why some individuals and not others, are able to turn away from the effects of abuse. It would appear that the reasons why a child becomes an abuser are complex and multifactorial; it has been suggested at several points in this essay that the effects of one single causative factor can be strengthened by the presence of other negative factors. In summary, the factors that might cause a child to become an abuser include: being the victim of abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of one or more types; being exposed to violent behaviour (for example between parents); exposure to materials that depict violence, such as magazines, films and video games; emotional deprivation leading to att achment deficit; loss of a parent; exposure to sexually explicit materials and/ or behaviour; neglect; the abuse of alcohol and/ or drugs within the home; poverty and a lack of (non- abusive) discipline and guidance. References Abuse definitions and symptoms. Verbal Abuse. 2004 Accessed: 1st February 2007. Adshead G and Brooke D (eds.) Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy: current issues in assessment, treatment and research. Imperial College Press 2001. Bagley C. Child Abusers: Research and Treatment. Universal Publishers. 2003. p.2 1993: Two boys charged with toddlers murder. Accessed: 1st February 2007. New smacking law comes into force. 2005. Accessed: 1st February 2007. Boyles S. Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers? WebMD. 2003 Accessed: 31 January 2007. Brogden M and Nijhar P Crime, Abuse and the Elderly. Willan Publishing. 2000. p. 44 Brown S. Treating Sex Offenders: an introduction to sex offender treatment programmes. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 93. Cannon M. Invited commentaries on: Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator. The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 2001 pp. 495-496 Cardwell M and Flanagan C Psychology A2. Nelson Thornes. 2003. p. 53 Catherall D. The Handbook of Stress, Trauma, and the Family. Routledge. 2004. p. 385. Cohle S and Byard R. Sudden Death in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p.138 Duncan K. Healing From The Trauma Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: the journey for women. Praeger/Greenwood 2004. p. 205. Elliot J and Place M. Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping. Routledge 2004. pp. 110-111 Erooga M. Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: challenges and responses. Routledge 1999. Flowers R Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of Contemporary American SocietyMcFarland Company. 2000. p. 14. Goodwin J. Munchausen’s Syndrome as a dissociative disorder. Accessed: 2nd February 2007 Greer S. Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective. Manchester University Press. 2005. p.59 Hagell A Jeyarajah-Dent R Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Practice. Jessica Kinglsey publishers. 2006. p. 75. Hill M and Lockyer A. Youth Justice and Child Protection. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006. p.124. Hines D and Malley- Morrison K. Family Violence in a Cultural Perspective. Sage Publications. 2004. pp. 4, 49. Horton I and Feltham C. The Sage Handbook of Counselling And Psychotherapy. Sage Publicaiotns 2006. p. 464. Itzin C. Home truths about child sexual abuse: a reader. Routledge 2000. p.222. Kandel Englander, E. Understanding violence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2002. p.11 Knauer S. Recovering from Sexual Abuse, Addictions, and Compulsive Behaviors: Numb Survivors. Haworth Press. 2002. pp. 146-7 Krahe B. The Social Psychology of Aggression. Psychology Press (UK). 2001. p. 161. Marshall W, O’Reilly G, Carr A and Beckett R. Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse. Psychology Press. 2004. pp. 47-50 Macleod-Brudene I. Advanced Early Years Care and Education: For Levels 4 and 5. Harcourt Heinemann. 2004. p. 397 McAuley C, Pecora P and Rose W. Enhancing the Well Being of Children And Families Through Effective Interventions. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006. p. 144. Mukherji P. Understanding Childrens Challenging Behaviour. Nelson Thornes 2001. p. 58. National Audit Office. protecting and promoting the financial affairs of people who lose mental capacity. The Stationery Office. 2005. p. 17. Plat- Jones J. Domestic violence: the role of health professionals. Nursing Standard. 21(14-15-16) 2006pp. 44-48 James Bulger. Accessed: 1st February 2007 Sigelman C and Rider E. Life- span Human Development. Thomson Wadsworth. 2005. p. 449 Skuse D and Bouvier P. Risk of sexually abused children becoming adult abusers lower than once thought. The Lancet February 2003. Stosny S. Treating Attachment Abuse: A Compassionate ApproachSpringer Publishing 1995. pp. 42-44. Tilley N. Handbook Of Crime Prevention And Community Safety. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 533 Wilson R. Fabricated or induced illness in children. British Medical Journal. 323. 2001. pp. 296-297 Total word count (does not include footnotes) 2253 1 Footnotes [1]Brogden M and Nijhar P Crime, Abuse and the Elderly. Willan Publishing. 2000. p. 44 [2] Flowers R Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of Contemporary American SocietyMcFarland Company. 2000. p. 14. [3],10Hines D and Malley- Morrison K. Family Violence in a Cultural Perspective. Sage Publications. 2004. pp. 4, 49 [4] Mukherji P. Understanding Childrens Challenging Behaviour. Nelson Thornes 2001. p. 58. [5] Macleod-Brudene I. Advanced Early Years Care and Education: For Levels 4 and 5. Harcourt Heinemann. 2004. p. 397. [6] New smacking law comes into force. 2005. Accessed: 1st February 2007. [7] Tilley N. Handbook Of Crime Prevention And Community Safety. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 533. [8] Horton I and Feltham C. The Sage Handbook of Counselling And Psychotherapy. Sage Publicaiotns 2006. p. 464. [9] Krahe B. The Social Psychology of Aggression. Psychology Press (UK). 2001. p. 161. [10] [11] National Audit Office. protecting and promoting the financial affairs of people who lose mental capacity. The Stationery Office. 2005. p. 17. [12] Abuse definitions and symptoms. Verbal Abuse. 2004 Accessed: 1st February 2007. [13] Adshead G and Brooke D (eds.) Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy: current issues in assessment , treatment and research. Imperial College Press 2001. [14] Wilson R. Fabricated or induced illness in children. British Medical Journal. 323. 2001. pp. 296-297. [15] Cohle S and Byard R. Sudden Death in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p.138 [16] Goodwin J. Munchausen’s Syndrome as a dissociative disorder. Accessed: 2nd February 2007 [17] Erooga M. Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: challenges and responses. Routledge 1999. [18] 1993: Two boys charged with toddlers murder. Accessed 1st February 2007. [19], 23Hagell A Jeyarajah-Dent R Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Practice. Jessica Kinglsey publishers. 2006. p. 75. [20] Elliot J and Place M. Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping. Routledge 2004. pp. 110-111 [21] Itzin C. Home truths about child sexual abuse: a reader. Routledge 2000. p.222. [22] Bagley C. Child Abusers: Research and Treatment. Universal Publishers. 2003. p.2 [23] [24] McAuley C, Pecora P and Rose W. Enhancing the Well Being of Children And Families Through Effective Interventions. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006. p. 144. [25],26 Boyles S. Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers? WebMD. 2003. Accessed: 31 January 2007. [26] [27] Skuse D and Bouvier P. Risk of sexually abused children becoming adult abusers lower than once thought. The Lancet February 2003. [28] Sigelman C and Rider E. Life- span Human Development. Thomson Wadsworth. 2005. p. 449 [29] Duncan K. Healing From The Trauma Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: the journey for women. Praeger/Greenwood 2004. p. 205. [30] Knauer S. Recovering from Sexual Abuse, Addictions, and Compulsive Behaviours: Numb Survivors. Haworth Press. 2002. pp. 146-7 [31] Marshall W, O’Reilly G, Carr A and Beckett R. Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse. Psychology Press. 2004. pp. 47-50 [32] Stosny S. Treating Attachment Abuse: A Compassionate Approach. Springer Publishing 1995. pp. 42-44. [33] Brown S. Treating Sex Offenders: an introduction to sex offender treatment programmes. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 93. [34] Cannon M. Invited commentaries on: Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator. The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 2001 pp. 495-496 [35] Plat- Jones J. Domestic violence: the role of health professionals. Nursing Standard. 21(14-15-16) 2006pp. 44-48 [36] Kandel Englander, E. Understanding violence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2002. p.11 [37] Cardwell M and Flanagan C Psychology A2. Nelson Thornes. 2003. p. 53. [38] James Bulger. Accessed: 1st February 2007. [39] Hill M and Lockyer A. Youth Justice and Child Protection. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006. p.124. [40] Greer S. Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective. Manchester University Press. 2005. p.59.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Role of Social Class in “The Great Gatsby” Essay -- Social Class

Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, there is a constant theme present: social class. Fitzgerald makes a connection between the theme of social class, and the settings in the novel for example The Valley of Ashes which is described as a â€Å"desolate area of land† (p.21) and a â€Å"solemn dumping ground† (p.21) which is where the poor people live. The Valley of Ashes is situated between West Egg and New York, West Egg being the place where the aspiring classes are situated, which is the â€Å"less fashionable of the two† (p.8), this is where Gatsby lives. West Egg is the place of ‘new money’, Fitzgerald shows this by the idea of the main character Jay Gatsby, rumoured to be selling illegal alcohol (prohibition) which means he is quickly making vast amounts of money.† Who is this Gatsby anyhow? Some big bootlegger?†(p.86) Gatsby shows off the amount of wealth he has by his fabulous parties and oversized mansion. â€Å"There was musi c from my neighbour's house through those summer nights. In his enchanted gardens, men and girls came and went like moths, among the whispering and the champagne and the stars.†(p.33) Fitzgerald uses the word ‘enchanted’ to paint a visual picture of what the house and the scene looks like, a magical and enchanted castle, with elegant furniture. This is in comparison to East Egg where Tom and Daisy Buchanan live, in a house where â€Å"The windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside† (p.10). East Egg being the place of ‘old money’ which is made from the inheritance of their past generations, the people who live it East Egg are mainly well educated, historically wealthy and live quite elegantly, but they are also quite ‘snobbish’. Gatsby’s background does not fit into the social standards of East Egg... because behind George’s back, Tom is having an affair with his wife Myrtle Wilson â€Å"thickish figure of a woman† (p.23). Within the Valley Of Ashes there is Wilson’s garage â€Å"the interior unprosperous and bare† (p.22) but also the famous Doctor T.J.Eckleburg advertisement â€Å"They look out of no face, but instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose† (p.21). The Doctor T.J.Eckleburg advertisement has a connection with the character George Wilson because, the morning after the accident the ‘sunlight lit up the billboard’, Wilson believes that this was a sign from God. The eyes of Doctor T.J.Eckleburg are through Nick’s viewpoint â€Å"the giant eyes of Doctor T.J.Eckleburg kept their vigil, but I perceived after a moment, that the other eyes were regarding us with peculiar intensity from less than twenty feet away† (p.99)

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of Beer Essay

Beer was probably discovered by accident, when some of the nomadic tribes of the Middle East decided to settle down to an agricultural life depending on the cultivation of grain. In times of plenty the excess might have been stored for a possible future period of failure. Due to the damp storage condition the grain might have sprouted and germinated in a desperate bid to salvage the crop they must have made porridge by boiling the sprouted grain with water. This must have released sugar into the liquid resulting in a sweet tasting porridge. This was probably left in open to cool allowing the natural yeast of the atmosphere to settle on the porridge forming alcohol or what was a crude wash. There is evidence that the brewing process was established in Babylon as early as 6000 B.C. The Egyptians improved upon this process, which was diffused along the trade routes by the Greeks & the Romans. The Romans started brewing on a commercial basis to provide a substitute to wine. The term bear today covers all beer drinks such as ales, lagers & stout. Beer gets it’s name from Anglo Saxon Word called â€Å"Beer† meaning â€Å"BARLEY†. Beer is the national alconolic beverage of Great Britain. Although the basic traditional method of brewing beer is still being used now the whole production process is controlled by the programme equipment so that each phase is carried out at the exact time required and can be corrected if necessary. By this centralised control, consistency of the brew from batch to batch is better.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Risk Management Strategy and Plan Document Shell

Project Selection: The first step will be to select a project that you to develop a risk management strategy and plan for. This project will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines: 1. Nontrivial: The selected project candidate should reflect a real-life project that has at least the major milestones identified. 2. Domain Knowledge: You will be applying knowledge of this project to address assignments related to identifying and analyzing risks.Select a project that fits these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first few days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval. Assignment: Your first task in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your Key Assignment.You will also create the shell document for the final project Key Assignment document deliverable that you will be working on throughout the course. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery, which is the Risk Management Strategy and Plan. The following project deliverables: 1. Submit project proposal to instructor for approval 2. Risk Management Strategy and Plan Document Shell * Use Microsoft Word * Title Page 1.Course number and name 2. Project name 3. Student name 4. Date * Table of Contents 1. Use auto-generated TOC 2. Separate page 3. Maximum of three levels deep 4. Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project. 1. Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under â€Å"New Content† below) 1. Project Outline 2. Risk Management Justification 3. Project Risks Identification 4. Project Ri sks Assessment 5. Project Risks Responses Strategy . Project Risks Management Plan 7. Project Risks Monitoring & Control Plan 8. Project Risks WBS & Budget Updates 9. Project Risks Communications Plan 1. New Content to be Inserted in Above Shell * Project Outline 1. Brief description of the project. 2. The milestones and/or WBS for the project. 3. Material can be taken from approved proposal submitted to the instructor, and this will serve as the draft for the proposal. 4. Be sure this project is approved by the instructor. 1. Risk Management Justification 1.Discuss why risk management is so important to the success of the selected project in a letter to the project sponsor. 2. Describe the steps that will be used to develop the Risk Management Plan. 3. Represent this process in a flow diagram as well 1. Project Risks Identification * Start brainstorming, at a high level, on some categories where risk could occur in this project (Note: you will continue this brainstorming activity i n the next week with specifics, likelihood, and impact). Name the document yourname_MPM344_IP1. doc, and submit the document for grading.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tunku Abdul Rahman Essay Example

Tunku Abdul Rahman Essay Example Tunku Abdul Rahman Essay Tunku Abdul Rahman Essay Essay Topic: Maus Sir Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah was the Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955 and became the countrys first Prime Minister after its Independence in 1957. Born in a royal family in Kedah, Abdul Rahman was the son of 24th Sultan of Kedah and went to become the founding father of the independent Malaysia. Before attaining independence of the country, Abdul Rahman was also a member of the United Malays National Organization, an organization struggling against Britains Malayan Union. Also known as Bapa Kemerdekaan, he became the first Prime Minister of the country after Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore merged to form Malaysia in 1963. He played a key role when the Organization of Islamic Conference was established in 1969 and served as its first Secretary-General. Childhood Early Life Abdul Rahman was born on 8 February 1903 in Istana Pelamin, Alor Star in Kedah to the 24th Sultan of Kedah Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah and his sixth wife Cik Menjalara. He was the fourteenth son and twentieth child of his father. As a child Abdul Rahman was raised in Isatan, the Palace, which was built by a Chinese contractor and had a royal childhood with a number of servants around him. Prince Abdul was sent to a Malay Primary School Jalan Baharu in 1909 and was later moved to the Government English School in Alor Star, which eventually became known as the Sultan Abdul Hamid College. In 1911, little prince Abdul was sent to Debsirin School in Bangkok to study with his three brothers. He returned to Malaya in 1915 and resumed his studies at Penang Free School. After three years in 1918, he enrolled at St. Catharine’s College in Cambridge University with the Kedah State Scholarship and graduated with a bachelor degree in Arts in 1925. At that time, he drew national attention and was praised as the first student to receive a scholarship from Kedah State for studying in the United Kingdom. Early Career After finishing his graduation, Abdul Rahman served in the Kedah public service and was made the District Officer of Kulim and Sungai Petani. At that time, the colonial Malaya was totally dominated by the British officers, with the only exception of Abdul Rahman who was a Malaya and had concern for his fellow people of Malaya. The two could never come to terms and he often had to pay for it by loosing promotion to higher positions. However, the British Administration did not dare do anything against him, as he was a son of the Sultan and a price of Malaya. Few years later, Abdul went to England and stayed there briefly before finally returning to Malaya following the eruption of the World War II. He continued his law studies at Inner Temple in 1947 and after admitted to bar in 1949, he returned to Malaya where he was appointed at the Legal Officer’s office in Alor Star in the same year. Further, he was made a Deputy Public Prosecutor in Kaula Lampur and president of the session’s court. Abdul Rahman was also a member of the United Malays National Organization, an organization struggling against Britain’s Malayan Union. In 1951, a conflict surfaced within the UMNO forcing its president Datuk onn Jaafar to resign and the person replacing him was Abdul Rahman, who eventually seized the position for the next twenty years. Independence of Malaya Abdul Rahman began his campaign for Malaya’s independence in 1954. His initial efforts failed to achieve anything as the British Administration was averse to grant independence unless it was assured of the racial harmony and equality in a new independent Malaya. As President of the UMNO, Abdul Rahman consolidated a political alliance with the Malaya Chinese Association to form the Alliance Party and later the Indian community Malayan Indian Association joined them in 1955. The coalition gained huge popularity among people though the UMNO members were initially reluctant to open the party to Chinese and Indian community. Abdul Rahman became the first Chief Minister of Malaya with the Alliance Party winning the first federal general election held in the same year. In 1955, he traveled to Japan, where he negotiated the Malaya Independence and 31 August 1957 was finally decided for its independence. Premiership of Malaysia Malaya became Malaysia with the emergence of Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei in 1963. In 1961, Abdul Rahman called upon these states to form an amalgamation and was subsequently elected the first Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16 September 1963. However Singapore’s addition in the federal proved disastrous which increased the Chinese influx in the country. Abdul Rahman fearing, that Lee Kuan Yew’s Party could influence the voters in Malaya, started demanding Singapore’s exclusion from Malaysia. After endless clashes between Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan, Singapore seceded and declared its Independence on 9 August 1965. Abdul Rahman’s regime came to downfall in 1969, when the Alliance Party lost most of its support in the general election that year. Abdul Rahman lost its support from the people within UMNO who were highly critical of his headship and eventually, an emergency committee captured the country from Abdul Rahman and declared a state of emergency leaving him with no power. On 22 November 1970 Abdul Rahman resigned from the position of Prime Minister and subsequently from UMNO in 1971. Other Activities In 1960, when he was still the Chief Minister, Abdul Rahman declared Islam the official religion of Malaysia and established the Islamic Welfare Organization (PERKIM) as a guiding body for Muslim converts. He became the president of PERKIM and served until a year before his death. As President of PERKIM, he organized the first International Quran Recital Competition in 1961. Abdul Rahman played a key role when the Organization of Islamic Conference was established in 1969 and served as its first Secretary-General. He was a co founder of the Islamic Development Bank and President of the Regional Islamic Da’wah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP), serving from 1982 till 1988. However he declared Islam the official religion of Malaysia, he stuck to his idea of running Malaysia as a secular country where people of different beliefs and religion lived and worked together. An enthusiastic sportsman himself, Abdul Rahman promoted many sports events in Malaysia, viewing is a medium to bring people of different race and religion together. He started an international football tournament in 1957 and was elected as the first president of Asian Football Confederation in the next year in 1958. He had a passion for horse racing and was a member of the Selangor Turf Club. Later Life Death In 1977, Abdul Rahman became the chairman of The Star, a newspaper which was banned in 1987 by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad because of its provoking columns that were harshly critical of the Malaysia’s government. Following a rift with in UMNO, he unsuccessfully tried to establish a new party UMNO Malaysia. In the general election of 1900, Abdul Rahman actively participated and widely campaigned against Mahathir Mohamad despite his worsening health. He died on 6 December 1990, aged eighty seven and his body was buried at the Langgar Royal Mausoleum in Alor Star. Family Children Abdul Rahman is believed to have at least four marriages in which only three are officially confirmed. His first wife was Meriam Ching, a Chinese woman who gave birth to two children Tunku Khadijah and Tunku Ahmad Nerang. After her death, Abdul married Violet Coulson, his former landlady in England. He divorced her and married Sharifah Rodziah Syed Alwi Barakbah and the couple adopted four children Sulaiman, Mariam, Sharifah Hanizah and Faridah. His fourth marriage to a Chinese woman Bibi Chong remained secret with whom; he had two daughters Tunku Noor Hayati and Tunku Mastura.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Patient satisfaction from physicians' communication Essay

Patient satisfaction from physicians' communication - Essay Example To this end they emphasis on the patient care model which places great emphasis on open enquiry, reflective listening and empathy as one of the most effective and important ways of responding to the diverse patient needs. In the HCPC Standards of Proficiency   (2013 p.8) Standard 8, ‘Be able to communicate effectively’, 8.3 states that a   physiotherapist must:   â€Å"Understand how communication skills affect assessment and engagement of service users and how the means of communication   should be modified to address and take account of factors such as age,   capacity, learning ability and physical ability.† As a result, this paper attempts to establish why effective communication between the patient and doctor is crucial by examining different case scenarios and evaluating the role communication plays, not only just in the physiotherapist context, but also in the healthcare system in general. Verbal communication between doctors and their clients is r ecognized as a core part of care and in conventional scenarios it is easy to decode and analyses, and this is because it is discrete in nature and has clear endpoints. However, for doctors to be effective at it, they must have good interpersonal skills such that they can make the patient feel at ease and encourage them to open up with alarming them, sounding rude or stereotypical.  Ã‚   In their discourse, they should ensure they show empathy and attention to the patient’s situation and be capable of managing the patient’s expectations without discouraging them (Larsen and Smith 1981).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Drug and alcohol use in teens Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drug and alcohol use in teens - Term Paper Example A good example is alcohol. It is highly important that people who are in their teens do not use drugs or alcohol as it will have a devastating effect on their bodies. This paper will examine this effect. First of all, one should point out that drugs, due to their nature, negatively affect the brain of a person – the organ which is still a mystery for the science (Scheier vii). Indeed, the nature of the drugs distorts the normal work of brain and it can hardly be restored to its fullest. In other words, it is important to keep in mind that drugs do harm to the body that can hardly be reversed, so if a person decides to take drugs, there is a little chance that one will be able to leave the path of addiction and become a normal individual once again. What is more important is that the minor harmful effects that the body might experience because of the drugs may last for a rather considerable amount of time (Hyde and Setaro 50). This means that one can not simply try drugs for on e time: the consequences which are unpleasant will keep appearing after the use. So, a person should understand that nothing is worth that. Indeed, one should acknowledge that unlike other substances, drugs influence the organism of a person on a much deeper level which makes them extremely dangerous. The â€Å"positive† effect that they drugs can be explained by the distorted functions of some organs; so, when a person takes drugs, one is deliberately tampering one’s body.